Monday, May 11, 2009

7 Day Cleansing Diet

Day 1
On the first day drink only juice made from equal parts of apples and celery. This proves beneficial for the liver, intestines and also detoxification of Kidneys, thus cleansing of the major organs of the body is achieved.

The 7 day cleansing can also be termed as a Detox diet, which firmly aims to detox the body or in other words cleanse the body. This diet is a type of Juice diet which ensures the detoxing of the body and body organs. It consists of apple with celery juice for the intestines, lemon juice for the liver, pineapple juice for the small intestine, green juice, carrot juice, and beet juice. A different juice is consumed on each day of the 7 day cleansing diet. The 7 day cleansing diet does not require much to work with, only a mixer would be required compulsorily. The other thing to also be remembered is that the juice extracted has to be drunk fresh in order to retain its effectiveness. Use of Organic produce is recommended.The schedule of the 7 day diet would be as follows:

Day 2
Drink lemon juice and water . This will detoxify and cleanse the liver.
Add the fresh juice of 1/2 lemon for each cup of water.

Day 3
On the second day drink juice made from only pineapple.
This is helpful for inflammation, allergies, arthritis, edema, and hemorrhoids.
Also cleanses the small intestine.

Day 4
Drink only beet juice.
This will remove toxins from the liver in to the bloodstream.
it is also specifically helpful for arthritis and menstrual problems.

Day 5
Drink carrot juice. This will benefit the liver, lungs, kidneys, and eyes.

Day 6
Any Green Juices.
Believed to be helpful for circulation, skin, digestive problems, obesity, bad breath.

Also will flush out toxins.

Use anything that is green!

Day 7
Only distilled water, will cleanse the entire method.

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